What can I expect from a treatment session with Jen?

What to expect from treatment:
• 60 minute small-group or individual treatment sessions, with family-member wrap-up
• Client-centered treatment customized to the client’s and family’s needs
• Creative, play-based and cutting-edge approaches to teaching social communication, language, and written language skills

• Group activities that are engaging and thought-provoking
• Sensory and mindfulness strategies and supports
• Ongoing individual group projects
• Regular communication with school providers and other treatment team members

• Communication with family members on specific goals and recommendations, when appropriate with permission

Why seek treatment for social communication?

Social communication happens everywhere, right? In the workplace, at home with your family, at soccer practice. Understanding the social mind and where you fit in the social landscape is an important life skill that can carry you far beyond school. Our clients use the thinking skills that they learn everywhere they go!

our philosophy

We believe it’s valuable to our clients to learn the thought process behind isolated skills, and this can be our focus in therapy. However, we also understand that an individual may have a different goal in mind; all perspectives are valuable. At rubycube, we understand that being neurodivergent in our current culture can mean that institutions are not set up with empathy or accessible for all kinds of brains, which can lead to mental health difficulties, relationship difficulties, being the target of bullying, being misunderstood, and a loss of productivity. The work of masking, pretending, and coping to “fit in” is enormous work which affects a person’s mental health over time. The concepts we are cultivating address so many kinds of learners and they are universally applicable for growing, learning, and self-expression in all forms. We want all clients to have a solid vocabulary for their internal states and their physical states. We want them to learn advocacy skills for themselves, empathy for others, and conflict resolution.